
Showing posts from 2018

When Financial Freedom is more Important than Creative Writing!

Trading I consider is a creative process (until I get better at creative writing) and to believe the experts you can make some money from it.  So I tell myself buy the vegetables! i.e. Australian Shares, keep them for one year for tax advantages (you pay less tax if you traded them after one year instead of the 50% tax if it's less than that). So I imagine myself a trader. It happens to be shares, but it could've been anything from tomatoes, wheat to jewellery, cars, clothes or shoes. I never ever sold anything online other than shares. I just find it tedious to photograph products and wait for strangers to contact me. Never aspired to sold anything on eBay, Amazon or any online eCommerce and perhaps I never will be. Of course, I don't do garage sales! Its scary for me to have small business, so I never entertained the idea. I started warming to the idea of blogging and making a bit of pocket money, as a hobby and not as a major hustle. For it to be a major hustle, t

In the hustle and bussle of life we need some creativity

Writing is measurable! And not only by word count or money earned.  It feels good to write, to feel alive. Creating words on paper or virtual paper, feels satisfying, perhaps freedom itself. The freedom to express and create. The simple freedom to write, to transfer your creativity, ideas and thoughts not only to the page but into others. They take what they may, and leave what they will. When we read other people books, especially the one that make us think, they transform us into new beginning and on the path of doing things differently. When writing, time slows down unless you are writing a university assignment! You are not pressured to condense your idea or speech to the minimal amount of words to a busy and uninterested listener. You are free to use as many words as you feel is necessary to write your creative piece. If this isn't freedom, I don't know what else is. The freedom to write, short or long pieces, is up to your stamina and creativity. We've seen books i

Know your audience is such a cliché when it comes to Creative Writing

Know your audience is such a cliché writing advice . Perhaps its helpful when you are writing for a particular audience and you already know your crowd. For emerging writers, knowing what you are interested to write about is more important. Writing comes first, the audience comes next. At university, corporate writing and perhaps magazines' articles writing, knowing your audience is important, you write pretty to an established standards and interests. I differ on knowing my audience before the creative work is published. Not exactly knowing my audience before publishing on this blog is freeing to explore the writing and the ideas that comes out of this medium. Sometime the immediate audience or even audience in the same era are not interested in particular artist, or writer body of work. Caring too much about what's the audience currently wants might rob you of your best creativity. Be brave and write creatively, you might discover an eloquent, tweet, song , poem, non-fic

On blogging & which blogs I'm reading

Some people maintained their blogs on regular weekly, monthly and yearly bases. My blog was in the forgotten and neglected land. I'm aware that some bloggers generate income form their blogs, my blog had started as a personal journey for writing discoveries. So the blog wasn't the goal of itself. It was a mean to an end. Moving forward, and after reading some exceptional, & inspiring blogs, I changed my mind on blogging. The blog by itself is an art, people use it in many different ways, to inform, entertain or for self discovery. So perhaps I can delve into some topics that I'm interested in, and write about them. I wasn't in the past consistent blogger, from now I try to find my rhythm by publishing on regular basis. I'm not sure yet, if it'll be weekly, but at least I should aim to publish monthly. I admit that the blogs I enjoy reading currently are personal finance blogs and its a big & huge thing, these kind of blogs attracts many comments by si

I'm Back!

I'm Back! I've been watching how social media have replaced for some people their day job. Some successful career people have quit their traditional job and have pursued social media to gain income. Many people in their YouTube Channels or blogs or both actually gained income and not only survived but thrived for example PointlessBlog - YouTube and Zoella - YouTube . Some people pursued social media on full time bases and others as a slash to their normal job. I think I'm the latter type. I like my day job, but I also like to follow up on creative adventures in writing and ideas. This year it'll be good if I write more on a regular bases! I wasn't active on social media other than the occasional tweets or Facebook posts. But boy oh boy you learn so much from watching or reading certain people on YouTube and blogs. You get high buzzed with ideas and motivated to do things differently. I usually like to watch people daily vlogs (although not on a daily bases