On blogging & which blogs I'm reading

Some people maintained their blogs on regular weekly, monthly and yearly bases. My blog was in the forgotten and neglected land. I'm aware that some bloggers generate income form their blogs, my blog had started as a personal journey for writing discoveries. So the blog wasn't the goal of itself. It was a mean to an end. Moving forward, and after reading some exceptional, & inspiring blogs, I changed my mind on blogging. The blog by itself is an art, people use it in many different ways, to inform, entertain or for self discovery. So perhaps I can delve into some topics that I'm interested in, and write about them. I wasn't in the past consistent blogger, from now I try to find my rhythm by publishing on regular basis. I'm not sure yet, if it'll be weekly, but at least I should aim to publish monthly.

I admit that the blogs I enjoy reading currently are personal finance blogs and its a big & huge thing, these kind of blogs attracts many comments by similar personal finance blogs. One in  particular personal finance blog I enjoy reading is  Done by Forty. His writing style and audience engagement is spectacular. I try to get tips and tricks to save money & invest from different sources including books.

Reading personal finance blogs are inspiring for me to be wise with money and invest it sensibly. 

Currently creative writing & in particular fiction writing is at the back burner, my earning power in my regular job is still in the development stages and I hope to release my full potential in my chosen career.

The wisdom from personal finance writers is be wise & smart with your money. Let the money you have saved to earn you extra money by investing it in real estate, shares etc.

And who knows I might end up better suited to articles writing instead of novels' writing, although I'm not ready to give up on that dream just yet.



1st Book Review: Girl Saves Boy by Steph Bowe (Fiction Novel)

What is the difference between TV Soap & TV Drama?

Why I’m watching My Kitchen Rules, and it isn’t for the cooking

I'm back to blog