I couldn’t help it but change an article in my blog name

I now in my first post in my 3 days old blog that I originally named it ‘Swimming in Words’ I wrote almost a thesis on why and how I chose the article 'in' instead of the 'with', as now my blog is called ‘Creativefishi Swimming with Words’.

The reasons are for the change are-explained briefly this time:

1. I learned how to navigate my way through blogspot, therefore, I can change the name of the blog without losing the posts attached to the blog.

2. The article ‘with’ in the blog name, as I said in my original post titled- My first Blog ever and I'm very proud! Its birth is revealed here -is better it means I have a partnership with the words, together, I push words and they push me to higher plains.

3. I’m very obsessive in title making. For the unpublished stories I’ve written I always almost from writing the first paragraph I come up with the title of the story and if I’m not satisfied I keep changing it until I’m happy with it. I never could understand how people in my creative writing class show drafts of their stories and the heading says ‘untitled’.

4. As I said in my first post I love to swim but I tense up in deep water and usually the water do not have to be too deep, as soon my feet no longer touch the bottom, my sensors are in panic mood, therefore ‘with’ is the better article than ‘in’, I won't drawn in words but swim with them.

Now people when they’ll read my first post will say what she’s rambling about and the blog is called ‘Creativefishi Swimming with Words’. Well things change.


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