Are you an anthropologist? Here is your chance to examine a novel writer in the making

It is not that I’m self centered or anything, it is because if I was an anthropologist/sociologist  I would write that book or I wish I can. Imagine finding a book on the library shelf with these titles:

  • Authors in the making: a reader

  • The sociology of authors

  • An author in the making: a case study, an anthropology approach

My dream to be a sociologist examining society’s structure and culture is crunched and squashed; I always gravitated towards books and documentaries in sociology, anthropology and archeology. The problem is I don’t have the patience to write long factual essays, I stress and worry. When I released I have to create different statistical measures including quantitative and qualitative research methods, after the lecturer told us what this degree Social Inquiry actually involved, I  after doing one subject elective from the Social Inquiry department  called  Introduction to Social Inquiry, I was glad that this degree wasn’t my major. Even if I have the patience of a camel, I never will be able to do it. I know myself very well, I love so many things I won’t be able to do, like mathematics, biology, physics, metrology, quantum theory, archeology, astronomy, natural history, geology, stand up comedy, and deep sea diving. (My twitter account Creativefishi will show you about my various interests in the above mentioned ones).

 I only can watch who ever does it and admire them for their gift and ability. I’m not sure if I ever can be a journalist as well with the full meaning of the word, an organization telling you what to do, controlling what you say. Would I be able to write in a topic if I’m not interested in it?  And I think there is something called an over kill of a story in journalism, where an extensive coverage of a topic in the media brings you to nausea.

While as fiction writer I still need to do the research for some of the essential real life facts, I still posses some freedom on shaping the story, the narrative the backbone of the story.

The other thing that I do like and I’m not that great at it but wish for more knowledge in it is literature.

Through this blog I’ll document this journey, the beginning of a novel- borrowing from women’s pregnancy analogy here- from its conceiving till birth, or its delivery on the shelf.

This journey will include some of the things I read in print including books and magazines and blogs that will help me in this novel writing journey, creative writing classes, entering writing competitions- there is one rule though, no poetry and it has to be for fiction writing I’m not fussy at the length at this stage, short stories are ok, as I need to build up my writing muscles. The other rule is I won’t put any fiction I write on my blog, unless it is published through professional publishers and competitions. Yes, prepare yourself for a very long long journey, an odyssey.


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