
Showing posts from January, 2018

I'm Back!

I'm Back! I've been watching how social media have replaced for some people their day job. Some successful career people have quit their traditional job and have pursued social media to gain income. Many people in their YouTube Channels or blogs or both actually gained income and not only survived but thrived for example PointlessBlog - YouTube and Zoella - YouTube . Some people pursued social media on full time bases and others as a slash to their normal job. I think I'm the latter type. I like my day job, but I also like to follow up on creative adventures in writing and ideas. This year it'll be good if I write more on a regular bases! I wasn't active on social media other than the occasional tweets or Facebook posts. But boy oh boy you learn so much from watching or reading certain people on YouTube and blogs. You get high buzzed with ideas and motivated to do things differently. I usually like to watch people daily vlogs (although not on a daily bases