It's a miracle I'm back to blog

Yes, I want to mark the day I re discovered my blog. It was lost and neglected. Happy to find an old friend, happy to find my old self and see my new hopeful new self to reignite my passion for creative writing. I finished university a while back. But I wasn't consistent to continue and grow in my journey of creative writing.

Today is closer to another new year, and hence my next year goals. To start from humble beginnings and go back to structured creative writing course. This time through dedicated writers center instead of studying elective creative writing subject through university. The first module I enrolled through the writers center is delivered online and I can mill over it for a year.

I'm the kind of person who needs structures, routines and milestones. It seems that just reading about how to write novels books is not enough for me. That didn't prompt me to take huge actions. I want to see progress through my creative writing journey. Also doing creative writing course with others, then it isn't a lonely endeavor, even when it's online, I can imagine others learning the materials as I do.[disclaimer: I'm not a fan of online forum]. As a creative writing student you are challenged and inspired, to compete with other student instead of published authors that make you feel insignificant and overwhelmed even before you try.

I'm taking it slow and steady, also recording or reflecting about some of my journey here will help me to see how far I'll go to release my dreams in creative writing. And it's fun and satisfying to publish big or small.



1st Book Review: Girl Saves Boy by Steph Bowe (Fiction Novel)

What is the difference between TV Soap & TV Drama?

Why I’m watching My Kitchen Rules, and it isn’t for the cooking

I'm back to blog